
November 20, 2010

Stomping on Humanity

1. Stomping on humanity Let’s start this great quote from a McKinsey article by Bob Sutton, ‘Why good bosses tune in to their people’ (Aug 2010): […]
June 30, 2010

Keeping Us Grounded

Hi Everyone, What keeps us grounded? Many things keep us grounded, for example, mindfulness, humility and meaning. The main content in this email is about meaning […]
April 20, 2010

Little Drops of Quiet

Hi Everyone, “I was talking with a friend recently who asked me a question. I paused to think for a few moments, and my friend interrupted […]
December 6, 2009

Our Mind and Our Strengths

In this last article for 2009, I bring to you a series of odds and ends, mostly about mindfulness and strengths. Mindfulness You know how it […]
September 21, 2009

Permission to be an Optimalist

Think about your workplace: Is there a climate of psychological safety in which workers are allowed to learn from mistakes, and there is an acceptance of […]