
September 3, 2012

Cluttered Mind? Take a Breath

When we’re stressed, beyond busy and our minds are cluttered, it might seem a bit simplistic to take the good old-fashioned advice of stopping to catch […]
April 24, 2012

Listening and Leadership

This month is a topic of great interest to me and relevant to my work. Listening is something I’m always practising and trying to improve, so […]
November 20, 2010

Stomping on Humanity

1. Stomping on humanity Let’s start this great quote from a McKinsey article by Bob Sutton, ‘Why good bosses tune in to their people’ (Aug 2010): […]
April 20, 2010

Little Drops of Quiet

Hi Everyone, “I was talking with a friend recently who asked me a question. I paused to think for a few moments, and my friend interrupted […]
December 6, 2009

Our Mind and Our Strengths

In this last article for 2009, I bring to you a series of odds and ends, mostly about mindfulness and strengths. Mindfulness You know how it […]
September 21, 2009

Permission to be an Optimalist

Think about your workplace: Is there a climate of psychological safety in which workers are allowed to learn from mistakes, and there is an acceptance of […]