In an article early last year, I referred to articles in the Australian Financial Review’s Boss Magazine and Harvard Business Review about Dr. John Gottman’s work […]
Think about your workplace: Is there a climate of psychological safety in which workers are allowed to learn from mistakes, and there is an acceptance of […]
Last month’s topic was ‘zest at work’. This month I continue with this theme of vitality and thriving, and have summarised an article from the April […]
How’s your zest? Your vitality, energy, exuberance, vigor, engagement? Do you approach your work with “anticipation, energy, and excitement”? These are important questions because zest is […]
Last month I heard an interesting radio interview on workplace incivility. In line with the theme of my (usually) monthly emails, I reflected on how this […]
It’s inspiring to hear people acknowledge the good things in their lives, particularly if they have experienced troubles and difficulties. As we come to the end […]
This month I’m delighted to send you this piece which was co-written by Yencie Fogden (colleague and friend) and myself. Yencie and I have enjoyed interesting […]
Can an organisation explicitly enhance trust through targeted policies? What does trust involve; what are the actions which build trust? Trust builds high quality connections “Trusting […]